Volunteer Job Descriptions
Arrive 7:30a
Assist Race Directors with assembling tables, tents, coolers, flags/signs, cones, etc.
Distribute teacher folders as teachers arrive, instruct them toward the field
Instruct wandering volunteers to their registration area
Give t-shirts to those who didn’t pick theirs up ahead of time
Call for buses at the end of the day
Bus Loading/Unloading
Maintain flow of kids getting on/off the buses
Coordinate with bus drivers
Volunteer Registration
Distribute volunteer t-shirts, encourage volunteers to sign-in
*Volunteer Coordinator will assign volunteer positions*
Use walkie talkie to communicate with race directors
Check off how many volunteers are needed in a certain area
Warn that volunteer orientation is every 15 minutes
Information Booth
Instruct valet volunteers to take teachers to a certain area
Reference map/information book for questions
Wear safety vest, take teachers to their race
Roam the fields, picking up trash
Race Volunteer
Time lanes/measure distances
Line kids up in their lane
Call heats/check off kids that are there
Communicate with awards presenters
Classroom Assistant
BY REQUEST from Teacher
Listen out for announcements/pay attention to heat time
Help teacher to watch all kids/take them to their event
Play with the kids at Olympic Town
Young Athletes/Olympic Town
Play with kids, keeping them with their class/area