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Special Olympics SC Area 6

2020 Spring Games

8:00 am - 8:30 am


8:30 am


9:00 am - 9:45 am


10:00 am


Volunteer Check - side field with the classroom tents

Volunteer Meeting

Teacher Registration - registration table by the bus loop

Opening Ceremonies

Games Begin at 10:30 am

10:30 am - 12:30 pm


10:30 am - 11:30 am













11:30 am - 12:30 pm



Young Athletes / Olympic Town

Middle & High School Students - Track Events

  • Track #1

    • ​25 M motorized wheelchair

    • 50 M walk/assisted walk

    • 50 M Run

  • Track #2

    • ​100 M wheelchair

    • 100 M walk

    • 100 M run


Elementary School Students - Field Events

  • Tennis Ball Throw

  • Running Jump & Standing Jump

Elementary School Students - Track Events

  • Track #1

    • ​25 M motorized wheelchair

    • 50 M walk/assisted walk

    • 50 M Run

  • Track #2

    • ​100 M wheelchair

    • 100 M walk

    • 100 M run


Middle & High School Students - Field Events

  • Softball Throw

  • Running Jump & Standing Jump


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